Do not open until August. ;) I was only about four months along here. I'm much bigger now! |
Partly, it was laziness. Partly, it was for my sanity. You see, this past year was my first year teaching at a new school and I found that I had a hard time giving my heart to both things - teaching and writing. I seemed to end up resenting one more.
I would get advice: Just write for an hour or so a night. Unfortunately, once I get my brain into the zone, I tend to stay there awhile to the detriment of my personal and professional life (and sleep schedule).
So, I made a choice. It was my students and family. I don't regret the choice. The first year at a new school is incredibly hard - even with previous teaching experience. But I want to make some changes to accommodate both next year.
My goal is to both write and teach in the upcoming year, but I have to change the expectations I put on myself.
1. Get in the habit of writing with my students every week. This will benefit all of us. I cannot promise every day. In a perfect world, I would, but obviously this is not a perfect world and I am far from perfect! Which leads me to number two....
2. Forgive myself more. I allow myself to be consumed by guilt. It is a serious personality flaw. I suspect guilt helped me avoid my computer. The worse I felt about not writing, the less likely I was to do it and the more negative my feelings about it and myself became. I have to stop and let myself just be and enjoy the process.
3. Stop making goals. Just write. I can only do so much, especially considering how my life is going to change shortly. Which leads me to another confession....
I must also admit that I haven't been reading much this year either (besides students' papers, that is). Yes, I know. What kind of English teacher am I? The reason for this is a good one though. I found out, shortly after my last blog post, that I'm pregnant. My husband and I are expecting our first baby in August! A little girl! :)
And ever since I got pregnant, whenever I pick up a book (or sit down for any extended time period), I fall asleep. I can't help myself.
The good news is that I am no longer an insomniac (although soon I'll be getting very little sleep again).
The bad news is obviously that I miss reading and am so frustrated with myself. I will say that I still read EVERY day of the week. EVERY day. However, while I used to devour pages upon pages, I now get through ten pages - tops. So, it's a process.
All in all, forgive me for neglecting this blog and my passions - reading and writing. I'm just trying to do the best I can. Aren't we all? And I know that with the birth of my daughter, I will have new priorities, but I hope to never completely give up my passions and dreams.
None of us should.